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Travel Reimbursements

Please submit all travel receipts to the Financial Analyst.

What Can I Get Reimbursed for?

The University will reimburse faculty, staff and students for expenses incurred when traveling on official University business. Such expenses include,
  • Meals
  • US Meal Allowance
  • Foreign Per Diem
  • Hotel/Lodging (if a room is shared, each traveler must submit a receipt and get reimbursed individually.)
  • Transportation
  • Airfares
  • Car Rental
  • Car Mileage
  • Parking Fees
  • Tolls
  • Registration Fees
Any necessary and proper expenses not included above may also be reimbursed. However, travelers are expected to observe propriety in the type and amount of expenses incurred.

What Can't I Get Reimbursed for?

  • You cannot get reimbursed for expenses incurred by another faculty member, visitor or student.
  • The University will not reimburse the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) of a car rental agreement. UC has a system-wide agreement with a number of car rental agencies. Balboa Travel has the UC Identification Number and will make any rental car reservations for UCSD faculty. To get the UC Identification numbers visit the UC Planned Purchasing Agreements page.
  • UCSD will not reimburse you for expenses covered by another funding source. It is the traveler's responsibility to ensure that double reimbursing does not occur.
  • The University will not reimburse for the travel of family members unless the travel is directly related to relocation.
  • The department will not reimburse household cleaning expenditures.

What Type of Documentation is needed to Get Reimbursed?

  • Original receipts are required for reimbursements.
  • If you request the US meal allowance or foreign per diem, meal receipts are not required.
  • All lodging receipts must contain the itemized charges for the room (taxes, phone, meals, etc.).
  • The University does not allow an individual to submit receipt expenses incurred on behalf of another faculty member or student.
  • If foreign travel is funded by a federal or private contract or grant, agency approval must be provided.

How Do I Get Reimbursed?

  • email all receipts to the Financial Analyst.
  • UCSD requires that your expenses be submitted within 21 days of the event.
  • If foreign travel is funded by a federal or private contract or grant, agency approval must be provided.

Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement

  • When a privately-owned vehicle is used for official University business, mileage is reimbursed at a rate of 62.5 cents per mile (effective July1, 2022).
  • Operating a privately-owned vehicle on official University business requires that the vehicle be insured according to minimum state coverage,
    • $15,000 for personal injury to or death of one person
    • $30,000 for injury to or death of two or more persons in one accident
    • $5,000 for property damage

For complete information on mileage visit UCSD's Travel Mileage Page.

What If I Owe the University?

  • Make your check payable to UC Regents.
  • Give the check to the Financial Analyst for processing.
  • Note what the check is for (i.e. payment for airfare directly billed to the University).

US Meal Allowance

The maximum amount allowed for meals and incidental expenses is $79 per day.

Car Rentals

  • The University will not reimburse the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) of a car rental agreement because of the UC system-wide agreements with a number of car rental agencies.
  • The UCSD preferred travel agency, Connexxus, has the UC Identification Number and will make any reservations for UCSD travelers.
  • To get the UC Identification Number for rental cars, visit the UC Planned Purchasing Agreements page.
  • Your personal credit cards may also cover these expenses at no additional cost.