Honors Program
Consistent with other research opportunities offered to undergraduates on the UC San Diego campus, the department offers to Ethnic Studies majors in their senior year the opportunity to conduct original research using interdisciplinary methodologies in the comparative study of race and ethnicity.
To enroll in the Honors Program, an undergraduate must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in Ethnic Studies classes counted towards the major. Students with a GPA in the major lower than 3.5 may be admitted by exception if they show promise of success in research. Candidates for Honors in Ethnic Studies will be required to take the following courses:
- ETHN 100H. Honors Research Design (4)—Winter Quarter
This discussion-based course will focus on the application of advanced research methods to the design of extensive, independent research-based projects. - ETHN 196H. Honors Thesis (4)—Spring Quarter
Independent study to complete an honors thesis under the supervision of a faculty member who serves as thesis advisor. While not required, students are encouraged to take ETHN 100C: Social Justice Praxis concurrently with ETHN 196H.
ETHN 100H and 196H must be taken for a letter grade only.
Majors who plan to enroll in the Honors Program must secure the support of a faculty advisor and submit a project proposal during the Fall quarter prior to their intended enrollment in ETHN 100H. Prerequisites for enrolling in ETHN 100H and ETHN 196H are a minimum 3.5 GPA in the major, senior standing preferable, ETHN 100AB (100B may be taken concurrently), and departmental approval.
Students who complete ETHN 100H and ETHN 196H will receive credit towards the total number of ten upper-division electives required for the ethnic studies major.
Students who complete their research project with a grade of A+ receive “Highest Distinction”, a grade of A receive “High Distinction” and a grade of B or greater receive “Distinction” in the major upon graduation from UC San Diego. Students who do not receive a B or above will receive course credit for 100H and 196H, but will not receive Honors or Distinction in the major.
For more information, please contact: ethnicstudies@ucsd.edu.