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Ethnic Studies Department Voting Procedures

All persons in the department eligible for membership in the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate shall be eligible to vote. At the conclusion of discussion of proposed personnel actions at the faculty meeting, a vote will be taken. Voting rights are as follows:

  • All ladder-rank faculty may vote on all new faculty appointment files.
  • Assistant Professors may choose to review files and participate in discussions of Assistant Professor merit and promotion files, but cannot take part in voting on these files.
  • Associate Professors will participate in discussions and voting of Assistant and Associate Professor merit files; they may participate in discussions but cannot take part in voting on Associate Professor promotion files. In addition, Associate Professors may choose to review files and participate in discussions of Full Professor review actions, but cannot take part in voting on these files.
  • Full Professors will participate in discussions and voting of all merit and promotion files. 
  • All cases that involve the removal of the “Acting” modifier from the title of a member of the Academic Senate shall be treated as promotion to the rank in question, but need not be voted on separately if the original appointment was made in anticipation of such promotion (e.g., a person appointed “Acting” Assistant Professor pending completion of the dissertation).

The applicable sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual, especially PPM 230-Academic Personnel, and the Academic Personnel Manual, are explicit and detailed regarding the academic review process. Most questions concerning procedures and policies can be settled by consulting these policies, which are available online at the following sites: