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Faculty Recruitment/Searches

Faculty recruitments are subject to approval from the Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs (EVCAA) Office Academic Recruitment Services (OARS). Once the faculty vote in favor of conducting a recruitment and the Department has secured approval from the EVCAA, the department submits a Search Plan, which includes a robust outreach effort that will attract a diverse and broad applicant pool. 

UC San Diego encourages rigorous adherence to the April 30 deadline established by the Association of American Universities (AAU) for recruitment of an individual holding a tenure or tenure-track appointment at another AAU institution. For more information on this policy, see:

Specific information regarding recruitment process policies is available at the following web site:

If you are a member of a faculty search committee, please bear in mind that the University has very specific policies regarding reimbursement of travel and entertainment expenses. Please consult with the CAO before incurring any expenses related to faculty recruitment. 

Departmental guidelines regarding possible spousal/partner accommodations

(Revision, approved 6/4/2007); supersedes ES Department Guidelines for considering spousal/partner hires (est. Dec. 9, 2002)

Although there can be no guarantee of a spousal/partner position at UCSD, the Department of Ethnic Studies is committed to following the guidelines below for Ethnic Studies faculty members who request spousal/partner consideration (offered as a temporary or permanent arrangement):

  1. Consideration of a spouse/partner qualified to teach in the Department of Ethnic Studies as Visiting- (professor/lecturer, as appropriate). When appropriate, the Chair will request recruitment or retention funds for these courses from the Dean. As is the case for all visiting appointments, a Visiting- position would be dependent on available funds and departmental teaching needs (as defined by the Curriculum Committee), and subject to annual review by the department faculty.
  2. If an arrangement is not offered as outlined in #1 above, the Ethnic Studies faculty member may either:
    1. take a one-quarter leave without pay as a Visiting- in order to be located with the spouse/partner. The Dean approves each leave. In this case, the course load would be reduced to 3 (and a Freshman Seminar every 2 years). or…
    2. arrange teaching over the year in order to schedule a non-teaching quarter, subject to annual approval by the Chair. Approval will take into consideration the anticipated instructional load of the faculty within the department. In this case, the course load of 4 and a Freshman Seminar every 2 years, would not change. According to campus policy, faculty must be in residence, attend faculty meetings, and perform normal service during non-teaching quarters.
  3. Consideration of partner/spouse for permanent position at UCSD:
    1. Partner/spouse will be invited to apply for any appropriate permanent position that is advertised.
    2. In addition:
      • Efforts will be taken to pursue all possible partner hire possibilities for a permanent position in another UCSD department, if applicable.
      • The department will actively assist to support any application that spouse/partner submits for any other permanent position in the San Diego region.

UC San Diego Partner Opportunities Program

The UC San Diego Partner Opportunities Program provides assistance and support in the employment search for spouses or partners of General Campus ladder-rank faculty candidates and appointees and of those in senior management positions who hold academic appointments.

The Partner Opportunities Program Web site: outlines program eligibility requirements and referral procedures. A form for requesting Partner Opportunities Program services is available via this website. Additionally, this website features links to valuable resources on resume development, interviewing skills, and San Diego job listings to assist job seekers.

Another valuable resource is the Southern California Higher Education Research Consortium (HERC). Founded in August 2003, the Southern California HERC is a collaborative response to the many challenges universities face in the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff. One particular focus of HERC is to find effective ways to assist the spouses and partners of faculty and staff in securing area employment.

For more info, please see