- dtg@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-1580
- 858-534-8194
Social Sciences Bldg. Room 226
Mail Code: 0522
La Jolla , California 92093
Associate Professor & Director of Critical Gender Studies Program
Daphne V. Taylor-García is an Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, San Diego. She is affiliate faculty of UCSD’s Critical Gender Studies Program, the Chicanx Latinx Studies Program, the Latin American Studies Program, and also an affiliate of The Center of Study and Investigation for Global Dialogue at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Daphne received her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Ethnic Studies after which she was awarded the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at UC Santa Barbara. She is the recipient of numerous awards, most recently from the UC Humanities Research Institute in Irvine.
Research interests: Decolonial philosophy and politics
Ph.D., Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley (2008)
University of California Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Santa Barbara (2008-2010).
"The Manichean division in children's experience: Developmental psychology in an anti-black world" in Theory and Psychology, 2020.
This article argues that a structural analysis of racism, colonialism, and capitalism must be explicit in developmental psychologists’ understanding of human ontogeny.
The Existence of the Mixed Race Damnés: Decolonialism, Class, Gender, Race (Global Critical Caribbean Thought) London: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018.
Red, White, Black, and Brown: In Spanish colonies a fourth racialized category was produced, the so-called "mixed" castes who were stratified into a division of labor and a system of social control based on their proportion of racial "mixture" and gender. At the same time, scholarship since the sixteenth-century developed an understanding of the world as one divided into racially discrete continents with people of disparate constitutions. From Fracanzano da Montalboddo’s Paesi Nouamente de Retrovati (1507) to Carl Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae (1735) to contemporary taxonomies, a colonial metageography has obscured the casta system and the people classified by it. And yet the colonial construction of lower castas as natally alienated subjects without a history and best suited for service labor is still perpetuated even today. The Existence of the Mixed Race Damnés is a philosophical examination of the colonial construction of lower caste “mixed people” in its shaping of contemporary Latinx experience and consciousness with particular attention to issues of class, gender, race, and becoming actional.