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Ethnic Studies Faculty Administrative Committees, 2024-25

Faculty Department Administrative Appointments

  • Department Chair - Yến Lê Espiritu
  • Vice Chair - Sam Museus
  • Director of Graduate Studies - Chrisopher Perreira
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies - Christen Sasaki
  • Teaching and Institutional Assistant Faculty Advisor - Monika Gosin

Colloquium Planning Committee

The Department invites guest lecturers to appeal to a broad departmental and campus audience. These lectures are open to the public and usually scheduled on Wednesdays from 3-5, typically in one of the SSB conference rooms on the ground level. A Colloquium Planning Committee will be formed every year and will be responsible for planning and organizing the Department Colloquium.   If we have job talks, they will take the place of the colloquium that quarter.

  • TBD
  • Graduate Student Representative - TBD

Graduate Record Committee

  • Chrisopher Perreira
  • TBD

Graduate Admissions Committee

  • Chrisopher Perreira
  • TBD
  • Graduate Student Representative - TBD

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

  • Christen Sasaki
  • TBD

Executive Committee (ExComm) 

The Executive Committee is a non-voting committee whose purpose is to advise the Chair on departmental matters.  It is composed of the Vice Chair, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Chief Administrative Officer, and other Ethnic Studies Department staff, as needed. Committee will meet once a quarter or as needed.

  • Sam Museus
  • Chrisopher Perreira
  • Christen Sasaki
  • Gennie Miranda

Graduate Council

The Ethnic Studies Graduate Council is composed of the Graduate Records Committee and the Graduate Admissions Committee.The Graduate Council will meet at the discretion of the DGS, normally twice a year.

Faculty Campus-wide Committee Assignments

  • Academic Senate Representative - Shaista Patel 
    • Alternate - Holly Okonkwo
  • Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE) - José I. Fusté 
    • Alternate - Roy Perez
  • Committee on Academic Personnel - Patrick Anderson
  • Council on Undergraduate Education Representative - Christen Sasaki
  • DEI Committee - Christopher Perreira