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Guidelines for Inviting Guest Speakers

Ethnic Studies Department Procedure

  • After guest speaker has been identified and selected by the faculty member, submit a request to the Colloquium Committee for their approval. Please copy the Financial Analyst in all communications regarding travel arrangements and or financial agreements. An honorarium will not be processed without signed approval of the Colloquium Committee.
  • Once a guest lecturer and the budget have been approved by the Colloquium Committee, the Financial Analyst will need to be included in all communications regarding travel arrangements and or financial agreements.  This will ensure that University and departmental policies and procedures are followed.  
  • The Departmental policy for hotel accommodations for invited lecturers is one-two nights based on where the traveler is traveling from i.e. California one night, Midwest and Northwest two nights, East coast 1-2 nights etc. Many times people on the west coast will not require hotel accommodations.
  • To assist you in determining what your budget will be, please refer to the Sample Colloquium Expenses Sheet
  • Process for Travel and Hotel Accommodations for Guest Speakers
    • All speakers traveling to UCSD must be preapproved with a travel event number before travel regardless of how expenses will be paid or reported.
    • All travelers on approved UCSD business must be in the UCSD Travel System.
    • How do you get authorization, travel account or event?
      1. If UCSD employee:
        1. Request a travel event via email from the Financial Analyst
        2. The email should include the following information:
          • Event Description
          • Business Purpose*
          • Start Date
          • End Date
          • Orign (City/State or Country)
          • Destination
          • INDEX
          • Estimated Cost*
            • *Business purpose: For a trip to be preauthorized, it must include a written business purpose. Depending upon the nature of the trip, substantiating documentation such as an agenda, conference brochure/registration, or invitation letter associated with the business reason may be required by the Travel Office and attached to the trip when claiming expenses.
            • *Estimated Expenses should include:
              • Lodging (max per night 275 excluding taxes)
              • Ground transportation
              • Registration
              • Meals and incidentals
              • Any official entertainment
      2. If non-UCSD employee, a travel account must be created prior to travel.
        • Submit a request for a travel account to the Financial Analyst by submitting a W-9 form completed by the traveler/payee.
    • The Financial Analyst will create travel account and arrange travel and hotel accommodations directly with traveler.
  • Once the Financial Analyst receives the above information, she will book the flight and make the appropriate hotel reservations.
  • Honorarium: People invited by UCSD to serve as guest speakers or participants in special events may be paid an honorarium.
    • Please refer to the honoraria page for instructions on how to request an honorarium
      • Allow 7-14 days for completion of travel arrangements and 30 days for honoraria payments.