Graduate Studies
- PhD Timeline
- Graduate Student Handbook
- Students
- Admissions
- Schedule
- Courses
- Syllabi
- Fellowships/Grants
- Graduate Student Committee Representatives
The Ethnic Studies Department benefits from the observations, ideas, and contributions of its graduate students. To that end, several volunteer positions provide representation from graduate students at faculty meetings, in making decisions about curriculum, new faculty, and admission of future graduate students, and to facilitate social and professional development events for graduate students. The representatives are chosen by vote at the first Town Hall Meeting in early Fall quarter. For the Admissions Committee Representative, a call is sent out separately to the ABD students requesting a volunteer to serve on this committee. If we receive more than one volunteer, the Admissions Committee will choose the representative.
Graduate Representative to Faculty Meetings: Christie Yamasaki
Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) Representatives: TBA
Admit Day Committee: Victoria Siaumau
Colloquium Planning Committee Representative: Radhika Marwaha & Citially Solorzano
Admissions Committee Representative: Muhammad Yousuf
Hiring Committee for New Faculty: Phuc To