Graduate Courses
Departures: A Genealogy of Critical Racial and Ethnic Studies (4) Introduction to critical racial and ethnic studies and how this perspective departs from traditional constructions of race and culture; examination of relevant studies to identify themes, concepts, and formulations that indicate the critical departures that characterize the field. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Formulations: Interdisciplinarity and Knowledge Production in Ethnic Studies (4) This course uses model studies to explore how comparative and relational problems are posed as research projects, how research questions are constructed, and how they employ theory to frame the project and establish what is at stake in the research. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Projects (ProSeminar): Research in Ethnic Studies (4) Students examine research designs presented by faculty and advanced graduate students to study how to conceive of and pose research questions, integrate theoretical and methodological models, and conceptualize their own research project. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 201
Historical Methods and Archives (4) This course seeks to develop research skills in historical methods; to understand techniques and tools historians use to create historical narratives using archival and historical sources; and to compare and relate the value of these to ethnic studies research.
ETHN 202
Qualitative Methods/Ethnography (4)This course focuses on conceptual and methodological frameworks of ethnography and qualitative inquiry, including research design, grounded theory, the field note journal, participant observation, and interviewing; major themes include the role of indigenous/insider researchers, ethics of involvement, and community collaboration.
ETHN 203
Cultural Studies and Cultural Production (4) This course will train students in approaches to interdisciplinary research concerned with power and the production of knowledge, with a focus on conducting multimedia field research, applying discourse analysis, and recognizing forms of data across disciplinary divides.
Representing Native America (4) This course provides an introduction to the history and theory of museum representation of American Indians in order to explore its relation to colonialism and decolonization. In addition to a wide-ranging look at the complex foundations of systems of representing Indians and Indianness, the course includes a study of a specific art form and history of a specific Native American community that will allow the class to create new approaches to designing a museum exhibition.
Representing Native America - Exhibition Design (4) This course follows the introduction to the history and theory of meuseum representation of American Indians in order to explore its relation to colonialism and decolonization (Part 1). Students will develop the proposals they completed in Part 1 of the course, finishing with curatorial briefs for an exhibition of Native American art with a partner museum incorporating new and decolonizing approaches to representation.
ETHN 230
Departmental Colloquium (1) The departmental colloquium is a forum for the presentation of recent research by guests, faculty, and students. May be taken for credit six times. For more information, visit the Colloquium page.
ETHN 252
Race, Gender, and Space(4) This course offers scholars of race, gender, and sexuality an introduction to spatial theory and geographic methodologies. Particular attention will be given to theories of spatial formation, the interplay of social and spatial mobility and containment, and alternative spatio-political imaginaries.
ETHN 255
Race and Psychoanalysis (4)This seminar explores the centrality of race to the formation of the discipline of psychoanalysis as well as the relevance of psychoanalysis to the study of race, gender and sexuality. We will read key texts by Freud, Lacan and Fanon and follow the development of their ideas in the works of late 20th and 21st century scholars like Spillers, Marriott, Judy, Seshadri-Crooks, Eng and Mercer.
ETHN 256
Gender, Sexuality, and Race (4) This course studies the body cross-culturally as a site for the construction of gender, sex, ethnic, and racial identities.
ETHN 257 A-B
Social Theory (4-4) This course is an intensive survey of social and cultural theory, focusing on how constructions of science, language, politics, and social inequality shaped early modernity, Romantic Nationalism, Marxism, cultural relativity, psychoanalysis, and fin de siècle social thought. The second quarter surveys poststructuralist, postmodern, feminist, Subaltern Studies, globalization, and other critiques. ETHN 257A is not a prerequisite for ETHN 257B.
ETHN 260
Transnationalism and Borderlands: The Local and Global (4) This course critically reviews the analytical frameworks of transnationalism and borderlands. The goals are to assess traditional and current social science practice on immigration, identity, and community studies, and to understand how diverse peoples engage and participate in global processes.
ETHN 265
Critical Immigration and Refugee Studies (4) This course surveys the field of immigration and refugee studies and introduces students to recent theories and cutting-edge research in the field. Key topics: gender and migration; diaspora and transnationalism; immigration, race, and citizenship; and globalization and immigrant labor. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 266
Popular Culture and Pedagogy (4) This course examines popular culture as a site of domination and resistance, and pedagogy broadly as (always political) education projets in a variety of social contexts, with a focus on youth popular culture in U.S. urban public schools. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 267
History and Memory (4) We analyze how concepts of power and memory are appropriated in diverse narratives: literature, theater, personal testimonies, monuments, museums, memorials; and examine how mutually constituted processes of remembering/forgetting work to to produce official discourses of nationalism, colonialism, violence, and construction of subaltern subjectivities. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 268
Theories and Cultures of US Imperialism (4) How did the United States become an empire? This course approaches the historical and contemporary problem of the United States as an imperial power through analyses of hierarchies and cultures at home and outside of formal U.S. borders.
ETHN 270
Indigenous Epistemologies and Their Disruptions (4) This seminar will explore indigenous epistemologies, their ontological dimensions, the methodological issues surrounding related research, and their significance in relation to the production of knowledge and the histories, presents, and futures of Native American and Indigenous people. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 275
Marxist Thought (4) This seminar examines critical exgagements between scholarship from postcolonial, feminist and other radical Marxist traditions. We focus on philosophical and political debates stemming from issues of race and gender, tracing them in Marx's texts and their historical contexts. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 280
Black Thought: Roots and Routes (4) This course explores major currents in Black intellectual history, and some paths less well tread, structured thematically, geographically, and chronologically from the Nineteenth Century to the present. Students read foundational primary sources and contemporary scholarly studies of African Diasporic texts. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
ETHN 289
Topics in Ethnic Studies Research (4) This course will examine the intersection of ES and CUS, foregrounding the university as a terrain of struggle over forms of racialized and gendered settler colonial capitalism based on the incorporation of disposable low-wage workers and complicity in the occupation of indigenous lands. We will study university domination of land and labor not only structurally but also ideologically, in cultural forms such as literature, film and other media representing campus life. Topics may include slavery, settler colonialism, and the early history of U.S. universities; research and knowledge production about race and other forms of difference; university privatization; the history and organization of Ethnic Studies; universities in the Middle East and the global south; student debt; racism, empire, and constructions of “academic freedom”; UCSD and the “Compton Cookout.”
Comprehensive Research Preparation: The Literature Review (4) Using key theoretical approaches, debates, and frameworks of Ethnic Studies, students develop a critical analysis of how existing scholarship within the field of Ethnic Studies informs a specific research question, topic, or object of study; this literature review demonstrates comprehensive and holistic knowledge of critical approaches and constructs a coherent theoretical framework that effectively summarizes, synthesizes, and assesses a particular body of relevant Ethnic Studies
Comprehensive Research Preparation: The Methodologies Paper (4) Implementing interdisciplinary research methods, students produce independent, generative research germane to the study of race and ethnicity. Students write a 20-25 page critical paper that poses an appropriate research question; engages relevant literature to provide a conceptual framework; develops and incorporates appropriate research methodologies; and constructs a critical, thorough, and cohesive argument based on the collection, organization, interpretation, and analysis of evidence.
ETHN 298
Directed Reading (1-12) This course is an independent research or individual guided tutorial in an area not covered by present course offerings. This course may be repeated for an indefinite number of times due to the independent nature of the content of the course.
ETHN 299
Thesis Research (1-12) This course is open to graduate students conducting doctoral thesis research. This course may be repeated for an indefinite number of times due to the independent nature of thesis research and writing.
ETHN 500
Apprentice Teaching in Ethnic Studies (4) This is a course in which teaching assistants are aided in learning proper teaching methods by means of supervision of their work by the faculty: handling of discussions, preparation and grading of examinations and other written exercises, and student relations.